Friday, August 1, 2008

Next Young future Environmental Scientists to mould...

We'll be more to assist in creating awareness of taking great care of our environment..act locally and support globally! We must now equally give attention to primary schools for the purpose! These girls should be exposed and led to the acquisition of right attitude, thoughts and action! Therefore...all the Puteri-Puteri Pencinta Alam sekitar...must unite and be more proactive...prove that we are doing this NOT just because of the B@ktif 2008 tourney....BUT it's MORE THAN that! We'll see...we'll prove to all Bruneians...Girls' Power! We can Do it! GEGAR U!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

brunei times

Ain, one of the Puteri-puteri Pencinta alam Sekitar explaining about the exhibition to Haji Ismail bin Apong (head village of Mukim Berakas B).

b@ktif- launching

More pictures click here

Friday, July 18, 2008

Imbasan I : B@ktif 2008 Puteri-puteri pencinta alam sekitar

Kami semua ingin mengucapkan terima kasih dan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua yang terbabit ..secara berkumpulan dan individu...seperti bahagian pentadbiran SM PAP Hajah Masna (tanpa mereka tidaklah dapat ungkayahkan majlis dan projek / program ini...), Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Taman Rekreasi, Jabatan Belia dan Sukan, Pusat Kitar Semula Daikyo, semua sekolah-sekolah yang dijemput...semua hakim yang dilantik...semua jemputan, guru-guru, kerani-kerani, kakitangan perpustakaan dan ahli jawatankuasa ..terdiri daripada prs dan prefek SM PAP Hajah Masna...semuanya amat berjasa bagi kami..semoga Allah SWT akan membalas jasa biskita semua...dan semua kita diberkati bagi tujuan murni ...untuk mengingatkan sesama kita bahawa isu alam persekitaran khususnya pembuangan dan pengendalian sampah dari rumah mestilah diberikan banyak perhatian dan pemedulian. Semoga kita berjaya merealisasikannya. Imbasan dalam bentuk koleksi gambar-gambar untuk dikongsikan bersama: 16 Julai 2008 - Pasukan b@ktif p3as menerima penghantaran projek rekacipta `garbage design" dari guru opengawas projek SM Berakas sebelum hari pelancaran... Pagi, 7.30 - 7.45 pagi - 17hb Julai..Hari Pelancaran dimulakan dengan penerimaan wakil-wakil sekolah jemputan yang bertanding : SR Dato Marsal, SR Datu Mahawangsa, SR Dato Othman, SR Dato Basir dan SR Lambak Kanan Jln. 49. & Menengah - SM Berakas, SM Rimba, SM Sultan Syarif Ali, SM PIHM Serasa dan SM Sayyidina Abu Bakar.....lancar dan ceria!7.45 pagi : Penerangan akhir bagi semua AJK pendamping protokol bagi melancarkan semua perjalanan aktiviti majlis- iaitu lawatan sambil belajar ke Daikyo Recycling Centre di Serasa!
7.50 pagi - 8.30 pagi - lawatan sambil belajar di Daikyo Recycling Centre bermula...ketika hendak bertolak menaiki bas yang diaturkan..semua berjalan lancar! Alhamdullilah !
Tempat dilawati...semua penuntut dan guru yang dibawa merasa satu kelainan...pengalaman baru dan tidak dapat mereka gambarkan dan bayangkan...mereka akan mengongsikannya pada kawan dan keluarga! Perbincangan bersama rakan sepasukan untuk menyelasaikan pertandingan tugasan mengambil maklumat mengenai pengitaran semula barang buangan di lokasi. Tunggu...for another latest news and story....see you...Assalamualaikum wbh!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

17hb. July...another historical memorabillia in SMPAP Hjh. Masna....deserved to be given a Thumb Up Performance to the p3as B@KTIF 2008

Assalamualaikum wbh, last 12 it's 6.46 am Firday, 18th of July - being an observer what I could see them busy preparing what to be our biggest task in their life...all work together , teachers and students involved were conscientious and diligent enough wonder at the end..right at 2.30 pm ..everything was awesome and superb....from stage presentation ....beautifully done by the two eloquent speakers i.e., b@ktif gals esp. Sofiah and Nurul Ain the other 2 speakers, who really performed so well...mission successfully accomplished in delivering information and messages to the audiences and hopefully to the public! ..another thing..all the b@ktif plus all the gal PRS and prefects were doing so well and it was true..."Teamwork attributes and breeds success" as their motto of work....proved so perfect....all paid off! Teachers in charge...from adminsitrators' working team, publicity...programme MCs , even to the judges...all went smoothly...and we were all mesmerized with the facts...with all effort they have been putting it was a reality that they can be always be proud or lose is NOT the question...but the most important is that they have somehow and somewhat successful in disseminating the knowledge gained from the program...from going places ..taking pictures and knowing the sad story about the current state of how garbage & domestic refuse have been managed and ...making so many recycled items from garbage many meetings with a lot of people - government agencies and NGOs ....with interviews...with sharing the caring...with visits and thoughts... meeting with the principals and headmasters / headmistress es of invited schools..distributing questionnaires in and outside schools... then going to sit down making together to find ways how to execute this program effectively and successfully! then they came up with 6 identifiable feasible projects....1. get the proof and evidences...2. carried out practicals and surveys ...especially with the be distributed to students the surrounding areas...or community... 3. create a blog...which has been now the most unbelievable that they have done it...superb job! 4. forming a club...planet's protectors club...pencinta alam sekitar ....getting more power and voice...similarly with the b@ktif team ...getting more and more well-known ..inside and outside...everybody has been talking about these! ...5. carrying out educational visit with invited studets from 10 schools (primary and secondary) expose the importance of recycling Muara....6. holding competition ..interschool fro primary and secondary...on garbage design.....written defense and plenary sesions ......with exhibitions ....ALL these are "CLASS ! A1 accomplishment..for the gals and other committee prove that a school CAN Do it! create awareness that our environment must be given 150% attention awake the public .....we MUST START NOW with endless effort...then it with the announcement of the winners of their `garbage design' competition to secondary school (SM Berakas) & primary (SR Dato Othman) plus all the schools ended so nice! and above all ...from invited school participants to all the committee members ...were all so cooperative...and attentive throughout...May Allah blesses us all...and thanks ALLAH for helping them in smoothly run the events..from Z! What a day! Never forget to say...once again Thanks and sorry for observer...really appreciated and amazed with your success! Ok...see yo again! Thumb UP to the b@ktif gals and committee members! Thanks MASNA! Love all!

We can grab the green back.

We can grab the green back.